Understanding A No Contact Motorcycle Crash

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Many motorcycle accidents occur when a car, truck, or SUV comes in contact with a biker. There are times when these accidents are the fault of the biker and other times when they are the fault of the other driver. But there are times when there is no actual contact between the motorcyclist and the other at-fault vehicle. Unfortunately, proving these accidents are not your fault is very difficult. What is a no-contact motorcycle crash, and what happens when the other driver leaves the scene? Read on for more information.

What Is A No-Contact Crash?

A no-contact motorcycle crash is exactly what it sounds like. It is when there is no actual physical contact between the motorcycle and the negligent driver involved in an accident. It is also sometimes called a phantom driver crash and occurs more frequently than you suspect.

For example, a speeding driver swerves into oncoming traffic. Their swerve causes the motorcycle riding down that lane to shift its position and end up in the ditch. Although there was no contact, the speeding driver actually caused the motorcyclist to have the accident. 

There are several common causes of a no-contact motorcycle accident. Some of these include:

Any of these behaviors can cause you to swerve at the last minute and cause you to have a wreck.

What Happens When The Other Driver Leaves The Scene?

Unfortunately, the other driver leaves the scene in many no-contact motorcycle crashes. Some reasons for this may include the following:

When the other driver leaves the scene, law enforcement treats it like any other hit-and-run accident. It is essential for you to provide the police with as much information as possible for them to apprehend the driver. Some of the needed details include the following:

If you can help the police find the driver who caused your accident, they and your motorcycle accident attorney can hold them liable for your injuries. Not only can you file a claim against their insurance, but you may also file a personal injury claim against them. 

If you would like to learn more, click here for more information.
