Ways A Truck Accident Can Differ From Other Types Of Accidents

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Commercial trucking can be a vital industry that allows the rest of the economy to continue functioning. While the drivers that operate these vehicles can be highly trained, they can still be vulnerable to causing accidents. When you are the victim in one of these accidents, it can be important to understand a few key differences that can make a truck accident case very different from a typical automobile case.…

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Maulings and Mayhem: Why You May Not Be Charged for Shooting a Biting Dog

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A ferocious dog attack leaves more than just physical scars. If the victim survives the attack and the dog has not killed the victim, that victim will have years of psychological trauma from the incident. If your child is attacked, and you pulled out a gun to shoot the dog to save your child, you may not be held accountable for the dog’s death. Here is what any dog bite attorney may say about your particular case.…

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How Medical Negligence Can Lead To A Personal Injury Lawsuit

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Medical negligence can result in serious personal injuries that can last you a lifetime. Proving that your case involves medical negligence may take some work. You are going to need to show that your injuries are a direct result of the poor medical treatment you received. In addition, a viable medical negligence case will need to prove that your treatment providers acted outside what is normal, standard care and that the deviation from standard care caused your injuries.…

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3 Important Reasons To Hire A Workers Compensation Attorney

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Have you recently been injured while at work? Is your employer denying that this happened and/or trying to avoid paying out on your claim for various reasons? Sadly, getting a settlement for your worker’s compensation claim can be difficult and time-consuming. But there is hope. Instead of trying to handle everything on your own, it helps if you hire a workers compensation attorney to take care of things for you. There are a number of advantages and reasons for doing so, including the following:…

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Can I Sue A Nursing Home When A Loved One Is Injured?

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Elder abuse and neglect are very common problems in nursing homes. One in three nursing homes engages in some form of physical abuse. If you have a loved one who was a victim of nursing home abuse or neglect, you may be shocked that those whom you entrusted with the care of your loved one did not effectively protect your loved one.  Failure to Maintain a Safe Facility Those who take care of your loved ones are not only responsible for not injuring them, but they are also responsible for creating the conditions that will ensure that your loved ones are not injured on the premise.…

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The Trial Before The Trial: Personal Injury Depositions

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If you have been injured in a car wreck, you may now be filing suit against the at-fault party. Knowing what will happen can help ease your stress somewhat, and most personal injury cases proceed in a relatively similar manner. The deposition is an important, and somewhat intimidating, legal event, but its outcome can influence your personal injury case dramatically. Read on to learn more about depositions and what you can expect at yours.…

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Tripping And Its Effects: How To Know What To Collect

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Tripping and falling can happen anywhere. If you are not hurt in any way, it is often just embarrassing for a little while. If you do get hurt from a trip and fall, there can be greater pain than just blushing. For a person who has been injured in a trip and fall, you will likely have medical bills to take care of depending on the severity of your injuries. After the direct medical care, you may still see issued caused by the trip and fall.…

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How Medical Records Help Your Workers' Compensation Case

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When it comes to a workers’ compensation case, medical records are vital. Medical records serve as evidence of any claims you’re making. In short, without these records it’s almost fair to say you don’t have a case at all. To further understand why medical records are so important, take a few moments to learn just some of functions they serve. Highlight Extent Of Injuries Medical records highlight the extent of your injuries.…

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Two Ways to Try and Get Your Employer to Pay for Your Injuries

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Getting injured at work can mean that you end up not being able to work for a long time. So, not only are you in the position of worrying about medical bills, but you also have to worry about how you are going to support your family. Your employer’s worker’s comp insurance should cover your medical bills, but they may fight you over paying those bills, leaving you to come up with the money out of your pocket.…

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Slaughterhouse Injuries: Why You May Need a Lawyer to Sue for Worker's Compensation

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When you work in a slaughterhouse, all kinds of accidents and injuries can occur. There is the blood and animal guts on the floor on which to slip and fall, the slicing instruments that are meant to cut through bone as well as flesh, and the stun guns and kill floor where you could accidentally get stunned. There are also the feces and urine from scared and recently killed animals that you have to avoid too.…

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